Why would somebody want to do this?

Airline Time Machine First post

I'm launching Airline Time Machine because I couldn't find a place to buy something I wanted. It's that simple. Selfish? A bit. Foolish? Most likely. Profitable? Remains to be seen.

And this powerful need that I identified is pretty niche - memorabilia that recalls and honors airlines that are no longer in business.

Building on decades of collecting airline marketing materials and promotional items, along with many years working in the airline and airline technology fields, I started this project with a few Instagram posts featuring what I felt were interesting or unusual pieces of airline history from my collection.

That effort began in 2019, under the banner of "Airline Time Machine", a goofy way for me to help others quickly identify what my area of focus was. And it turned out that a lot of people have an interest in airlines (and aircraft, and airports) that are part of air travel history. And through them I've learned a lot of new things about a subject I thought I was pretty familiar with - thanks to all of those who've shared their collections, and stories, and insights through their own posts and comments!

Through those interactions, I refined the idea of recalling long-gone airlines by creating useful items that would make memories of them tangible. I learned how to use Adobe Illustrator, made an investment in a Glowforge laser cutter/etcher/engraver, and figured out how to build a website with a retailing interface.

And that's where things stand. I'm starting out small with a few items in categories that I hope others will find interesting, selling and shipping initially only in the U.S. to keep things simple. Have a look, and send me an email to let me know if you've got an idea for an item you don't see that you'd like to buy - I'm listening! 

Cheers! Tim - The Captain

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